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How to make this your most Productive Year Ever

By November 23, 2011No Comments

Each year we start the year thinking about our goals, our job, our health, all the ‘new’ routines and commitments we make to ourself to make this our best year yet… but two weeks into January all our planning and resolution goes out the window!  You can make this your best year ever by applying some of these simple ideas (and save this article, keep it handy and re-read to keep you on track).

Make a date. Make time in your schedule to find a quiet, comfortable location to set your goals. I spend a morning at my favorite local cafe in January every year to review my networking goals and set new ones for the year ahead.  Find a local restaurant or café and spend time doing the same – support your local businesses. Decide which groups you want to support; where you will volunteer, where are the best networks for you and your business goals?  It is also great to do a review around September to see how you are progressing with your goals.

Schedule your networking. As soon as you receive your chamber news or local business journal make a note of all the events you want to attend through the year. This way you can make the business building events a high priority for you and your team.

Find a mentor. When you identify the person you believe would be a suitable mentor, spend some time watching them in action. Ask around to find out what other people’s opinion of your chosen mentor are and find out all you can about their achievements, beliefs, values and way of operating – attend an event with them to see how they network first hand. This will give you insight into them before you approach them about mentoring you.

Get Educated. Invest in your own development this year. Investigate local community colleges programs, educational series from your chamber, industry, networking groups and programs for your team members.  A skilled team is a more productive team. Complete programs to get educated in social media, using your computer software and accounting systems to increase the effectiveness of your office.
Use it or lose it! I recently read – people who spend a thousand dollars or more each year on their personal development will increase their business by 20 percent. A huge benefit of many networking events includes a knowledgeable speaker, take the time to listen and apply their advice. Read more books, attend industry workshops, and read more blogs. Keep your brain active.

Set up filing systems. When you are filing business cards ensure you create a system that makes sense to you. You might file alphabetically, by industry, or by decision making authority – there are many ways to sort your cards but ensure it makes it easy for you to access that important card next time you need it.

Manage messages. Stop checking your blackberry or iPhone every 5 minutes! Don’t become a slave to your inbox and check your email messages up to 4 times per day, your social media outlets twice a day and your voicemail twice a day. Manage your messages don’t let your messages manage you and your time!

Your signature. Use your email program to create an email signature block that will automatically attach to all of your outgoing messages; it’s a little like an email letterhead. It saves you the effort of including your contact information every time and brings a professional touch to your communications. You might simply include your name, business name, contact details and website or you might also include a sentence or two about your business, a special promotion you are running with a link to your website, or even a favorite funny or inspirational quote.

Plan tomorrow today. Invest 3-4 hours at your favorite local café and set next year’s goals. Reflect on your previous success and determine what actions need to be implemented to make this year even more profitable! Detail your strategies and then share them with your team for achievement.

Stop ‘killing’ time. Time never hurt you, time doesn’t control you. You choose how you invest your time. Identify time robbers you might experience in your i.e. watching too much TV, running errands inefficiently, checking and responding to your email too often, making long phone calls, waiting in traffic and even other people.  Decide this year you will never say ‘I don’t have time’ – you will replace it with ‘I did not CHOOSE to spend time on that’ – try it, it works!

Templatize and Systemize. Instead of creating a new form or process every time you need something in your business – templatize (I know it isn’t a real word, it is a Neenism). Save each proposal, submission, email response, form or letter than you can re-use again. Templates save time, leverage your expertise and help you systemize your business. Systems create freedom. Don’t waste time re-creating the wheel each time; use the wheel you have already developed!

Choose to be amazing! It’s as simple as making a commitment to yourself every morning that you will have an amazing day. Ask yourself, ‘who can I help in my network today?’ Remember, life is not a dress rehearsal – we only get one performance, so let’s give it our best!

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