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Ever get bored working from home?

By November 23, 2011No Comments

Want 15 ideas to prevent boredom in your home office… or maybe you just need to mix it up a little?

Do you run a business from your home office?

Does your corporation allow you to have an office in your home as well?

Do you ever get bored working at home?

Recently a journalist on HARO (a brilliant resource for journalists and experts) asked a question about fighting boredom in your home office and it got me thinking… sometimes I get distracted… could that be partly boredom? Certainly NOT … I love what I do… I thoroughly enjoy it… but maybe sometimes I need to mix it up so here are 15 ideas to help you fight with boredom or just mix up what you are doing in your home office – try them out and have fun!

1.      Load up your iPod with motivating itunes. I use sports themes and songs played at sporting events i.e. Eye of the tiger, We will Rock You, anything by ACDC (I am an Aussie J) and these are great for your workouts too. You might prefer more meditative type tunes; do whatever will make you feel motivated to approach the task at hand.

2.      Create a picture board/vision board (call it whatever you like. I like what Christine Kane says about what it is and how to do it) and include great photos, fabulous quotes, reasons why you work and keep you inspired. My Photo board hangs in front of my desk so I see it constantly and if I am distracted there are many great memories on the board my mind can drift.

3.      Keep snacks in your office i.e. nuts and mints are great! Keep them in your drawer and if you need a treat, reach for the mints or nuts (instead of chocolate or chips!).

4.      Set your ‘lunch time’ and then decide what you will have. That gives you something to look forward to and when you decide to break for lunch you know what you are going to eat. More ideas for a productive lunch break – click here

5.      Set up your Fit ball as your desk chair, good for the abs and the core muscles and keeps you engaged rather than slouching in your chair. According to the 2003 Idea Fitness Programs and Equipment Survey, 89 percent of IDEA businesses were offering balls to their customers, so does this mean if you sit on a FitBall you might create more ideas? Sounds cool to me.

6.      Set up a reading basket. Keep it full of magazines, articles you want to read, books that have been recommended to you and when you are bored, grab one piece of reading material to enjoy.

7.      Use colored manila folders (instead of plain ones) and keep your eyes entertained with color all around you.

8.      Hang awards, recognition, letters from clients, or photos of shoes (I am a shoe girl) in your line of sight so that you can remind yourself of your achievements and focus on the positive things you have achieved.

9.      If you have a pet, set up a special area for them, their own cushion or window sill so they can join you and enjoy your company and you can indulge in pet therapy throughout the day if they need your attention.

10.  Take regular breaks, stretch, grab extra water to drink or make some green tea. Look out your window  – do something instead of just sitting at your computer.

11.  Set up your desk to take advantage of a window or natural light if you can. Gives you something to focus on, especially in the seasons like Fall with the leaves changing.

12.  Keep your book shelf full of things that inspire you so if you have some time and want to be distracted, you can invest it in educational development.

13.  Laugh – and laugh often. Watch YouTube videos that make you giggle, read cartoons or call a client or friend who entertains you.

14.  Give yourself social media breaks, enjoy checking out others status on Facebook, read your tweet stream, check out a YouTube video or update your LinkedIn profile (be careful not to spend all day on this… that might kill your productivity!)

15.  Choose to have fun and be productive every day – this is a mindset; it is a choice, make today count!

So now next time you are bored or want to mix it up, check out this list and try something.

What can you incorporate from these ideas today?

What is one thing you can experiment with?

Love to hear what you think, share your ideas with me at

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