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Important COVID-19 Update How we can help you

We have become an attention deficit society.Do you often wonder if you suffer from attention deficit issues?

Are you tired of constantly being busy but not productive?

Do you run from one meeting to the next, yet never feel like you achieve results?

Do you feel overwhelmed, overstressed, and overtired?

Are your personal and professional lives suffering because you can’t devote quality and attention to either?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you’re not alone.


For more than 15 years, I’ve worked with leaders and professionals in a multitude of industries. Almost every client I work with lists these same concerns within minutes of our first meeting. They all have something else in common, too – the desire to move past their overwhelmed, overstressed, and overtired existence and lead a more fulfilled, productive, and intentional life.


Do you want that too?


I think most of us do. Yet that possibility seems forever out of reach in a world that constantly demands more from us. It’s frustrating when we feel like we work so hard to create a lifestyle for the people we love, and yet we aren’t getting enough time with the people we care about.


Many clients share with me that they don’t feel valued at work and some share they feel the same at home. That makes my heart sad. I want to fix that, and this is the driving force behind my work. Clients tell me they simply don’t have enough time in the day to “get it all done.” Can you relate? If so, I will give you the same tough love I give my clients: You don’t have a time management crisis; you have an attention management crisis.


It seems we lack the ability to give our undivided attention to whom and what matters most at that moment. I’m not talking about half-hearted, kinda listening, multitasking doesn’t something on your phone attention. I mean the deliberate, fully present, look-them-in-the-eye type of attention.


I see this same attention crisis everywhere I look – in our homes, in our workplaces, in our communities. We think we are paying attention but we are not. As individuals, professionals, and communities, our genuine engagement has dramatically declined. Our attention is being wasted – stolen by technology, constant interruptions, and our own habits.


We have become an attention deficit society.


We now accept distractions as the norm. People are so focused on technology, our never-ending-to-do-list, and our lack of time, that we fail to pay attention to the people, priorities, and the passions that are truly important to us. We are more connected than at any time in history and yet more disconnected from ourselves, from each other, from our work, and from our world than ever before. You know what I’m talking about. I know you see it too. No one truly pays attention anymore.


It’s time to make a change. It’s time to pay attention to what matters most. If you’re ready to commit to giving your undivided attention to your professional and personal life in a way like never before, subscribe below to my newsletter and take the 5 Step Attention Challenge free for signing up. Then, take it yourself, share it with your family, or even challenge your team. By taking these steps, you will begin to commit to the Attention Revolution and begin making a change today.

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