We all have them… mine happens to be white, furry and demanding… meet Molly.
Some days it just seems harder to get things done… I SHOULD know how to get things done… my business card says ‘Productivity Expert‘… but some days are harder than others. Some days I feel like a fraud. I am fabulous at sharing productivity strategies with my clients all over the world how to get things done... and then when I have mornings like this … I wonder.
Molly and I got up before the clock even had a 5 in the start… (that alone is a little hideous), but I am definitely a morning bird and sometimes getting up before the crazy of the day is a way to begin productively – today Molly had other plans.
Pets (and some people), remind us it’s not always about work, others need our time and attention and I was reminded of that today. 15 minutes of playing with Molly; making sure she had everything she needed, and then putting her down on her cushion in my office (I swear she is one of the most spoilt furry baby I have ever met), that did the trick. She was content and allowed me to get back to preparing for my next productivity presentation.
If you are procrastinating or someone (or something) is killing your productivity, consider a 15 minute break – move away from your computer, put down your pen, step away from the project and get a new perspective.
What are your productivity killers? I’d love to hear your thoughts (or feel free to share photos) – please comment here on our blog