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Thank you for running my marathon with me

By November 16, 2014May 1st, 2024No Comments

Some say running a marathon is an individual event, I believe it’s a team sport.

Running a marathon is for crazy people and yet… I loved every minute of it.

‘Successful marathoners must lose their cool, and allow this irrational animal consciousness to take over’ Bill Rodgers (former American record holder in the marathon).

If you’d told me in April I’d be writing this post I’d laugh at you. This indulgent blog is the result of months of training (and craziness if you ask anyone around me).

In late April 2014 (yep this year) my friend dared me to take up running, ‘just take the first step he said’ Two weeks later, my friend challenged me to run a marathon sub 5-hour (an insane challenge for sure but I didn’t know that at the time) so I said ‘you are crazy… but OK’.

I am the girl who believes she can do anything and get anything she wants so I said … sure! Totally naïve.

On Sunday 16th November I crossed the finish line of Bucks County Marathon and the feeling was awesome. It’s hard to articulate the joy and pride and huge gratitude for those who helped me achieve this goal.

Here’s my incredibly indulgent thank you list (warning it’s long);

Andy – for managing several melt downs, allowing me to spend so much time training on weekends, in foreign countries and always on my own and not giving me grief when I walked down stairs one at a time. He was relieved and proud when he saw me cross the finish line. There are no words to express how much I love and appreciate him.

Noah challenged me, managed my meltdowns remotely, and suggested books, websites, food, accessories, and clothing. He’s been a wonderful virtual running partner – this marathon was as much his as it was mine! He was with me every step of the way.

Coach Dave – preparing this determined (some say stubborn), little newbie for my first 5k, half and believing I could run a full marathon. For our weekly speed work, encouraging emails and pep talks leading into each race. He showed me I was capable of more than I could ever imagine. Running the last 2 miles of the race with me was so special. He couldn’t believe how happy I was and that I looked like I was having so much fun. I stuck to our strategy.

Judson – for the fabulously encouraging (and funny) texts along my whole running journey. His fitness and ironman training inspires me.

Meg – my truly ah-mazing BFF who knows my level of crazy and doesn’t expect anything else, continued to listen and pour wine when I needed it, she has an unbelievable faith in me that I treasure. I couldn’t do life without her.

Jen – my stunning Aussie BFF sharing, texting (and praying) from afar telling me I could do it and running Central Park with me (after way too much champagne… that’s a great friend).

Kelly – for running my first 5K and then meeting me at mile 22 to keep me company. She sent me daily motivational quotes from Runner’s High to keep me inspired (which I then printed and hung in front of my desk to keep reading). A great running friend and she even bought Nic and Amy (complete with pink sign) to cheer me on.

Eileen and Lisa – for meeting me at the finish line complete with flowers, Veuve and signs! I love my American family – I feel very spoiled.

Brian, Tim and John, at Doylestown Sports Medical clinic who thought I was crazy and continued to fix my body every time it broke down after a run (brilliant physios). Especially Brian who fixed my twisted ankle (apparently I twisted a bone) the Friday before my big race J

Joanna – helping with nutrition before and during race day and keeping me accountable to do physio exercises daily.

Road2running group – Kathy sharing advice after the Marine Corp marathon, and of course Coach Dave for believing I could do it.

Lisa – for the many tips she shared (including aquaphor so I never had a blister)! I loved her advice, run the first 10 with your head (pace yourself), next 10 with your legs (that’s what training is for) and the last 6 with your heart (guts and glory).

Gina – for keeping me laughing about this ridiculous goal and praying for me the whole way and my super cool video – you are beyond brilliant.

Lesley – who agreed to run 8 miles with me on my birthday (and then joined me at the spa for a massage and champagne) – now that’s a great (and stylish friend)! Patrick for allowing Les and I to get up to mischief, and being such a great friend who had me laughing the whole journey!

Maria – for putting up with meltdowns, rearranging calendar and constantly asking hotels about the running tracks and gym facilities for training while I was traveling like a crazy person.

I am sure there are people I have forgotten to thank – I’m so grateful.

One person crosses the finish line; it takes a team to get to the starting line.

For every person on this list my heart is filled with deep love, gratitude and adoration for you xo

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