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Important COVID-19 Update How we can help you

The practice of intentional attention is like yoga for the mindWhy is it that despite the face we’ve been told from childhood to pay attention, we still haven’t figured it out? It’s not that we aren’t smart. It’s that so many other things are constantly competing for our attention, and all the competition leads to endless distractions and interruptions.


We must commit to change our focus, our habits, and our brain in order to pay attention to what matters and make your attention pay.

We need to be intentional, mindful, with who gets our attention and we must be productive in what gets our attention too. Share on X


In order to change our brain’s way of thinking about attention, we need to stop some of our behaviors. It may feel uncomfortable – like yoga for the mind – to stretch our minds to embrace something unfamiliar and different than what we’ve become accustomed. Like building muscle, it takes practice, routine, and habit. Like yoga for your mind, intentional attention is the deliberate act, daily practice, and commitment to following through with the stretches that make us grow. It’s so worth it.


Are you ready to come to the mat every day, ready to work with the body and mind we have, to get the strength we need to do great things?


Let’s truly pay attention to what matters so we can be happier in our relationships, more fulfilled in the work we do, and safe inter the world we have created. This way we can create meaning, create success, and create a legacy.

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