If you and your team are experiencing any of these virtual exhaustion challenges here are some simple solutions you can encourage people to consider:
1. Suggest team members take lunch breaks – get outside, exercise, step away from technology, fuel your body with healthy food.
2. Stop sending emails at night – just stop it. If you are the boss, people will feel obliged to reply. Every email you send is stealing minutes from people their families.
3. Create Zoom free meeting days (or allow people to turn their camera off) – it requires more attention on video calls and it’s exhausting.
4. Set limits to office meetings – many global teams feel they have to be on 24/7- nope – not true. Create boundaries. Maybe even have meetings-free days?
5. Switch off on weekends – stop checking your email on the weekends, stop sending emails on weekends, enjoy a mental break.
6. Lead by example – if you are the boss, this is your responsibility. Stop requesting meetings, sending emails, creating urgent deadlines, just stop. Role model what you want your team to do.
7. Encourage vacations – people need a mental break from work.
8. Suggest exercise – maybe you recommend virtual Yoga sessions, suggest outdoor walks or running, share your favorite exercise apps, moving your body helps your mind.
9. Meditate – no you don’t have to sit still and say ommmm – find time each day to be silent, practice gratitude and find a way to bring stillness to your day.
10. Extend grace – let’s be more kind, show more compassion, be more thoughtful about what everyone is going through right now.