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How to manage your phone calls

By November 23, 2011One Comment

There are lots of ways to make your phone calls more efficient in your day. Practice at least one of these ideas this week and you will find you will be more effective and can achieve even more in your day.

Outgoing Calls

Clear your desk

Get rid of all paper – it is a distraction. Make sure you only have the details of the client you are going to call on your desk with all of their relevant details eg. file, contact numbers and previous correspondence.

Allocate a specific time to make your outgoing calls

This will ensure you are able to concentrate on providing for your clients needs.

Think about the call before you make it

Know the reasons why you are calling your client and how you can help them. If you are returning their call, pull out their file and previous correspondence to refer to.

Leave a detailed message

If you don’t get through to your client, leave a detailed message with the time and date you called, what is about and what time they can contact you. By leaving a contact time you will avoid the game of ‘phone tag’.

Incoming Calls

Introduce yourself to the caller

“Good morning, Whistling Arrow, Neen James speaking”. This identifies you and your business to your caller.


Speak as though your client is sitting across the table from you.

Smile when you are talking to your client.

It is a proven fact the smile can be “heard” on the other end of the phone. Your clients will appreciate your friendly approach.

Keep your phone calls short.

You will be surprised how much time is spent on the phone. Get straight to the point eg “Hi Bob, what can I do for you today?”

Stand when speaking

This will allow more air to circulate through your lungs and your voice will more relaxed and keep an even tone, this may also give you an “air of authority” if necessary.

Thank your client for calling

Always end the call by thanking your client – they are important to your business.

One Comment

  • Adam Flynn says:

    Honestly I found the best way to manage my phone calls was to download a cheap sales CRM. With a little tweaking, they really helped my receptionists out. I personally use , I find it meets all my needs at a good price.

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