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Get Productive – Use your off-switch

By October 3, 2012No Comments

Married so young... no TV

When I first got married (over 20+ years ago) we chose not to have a television for the first few years we were married. As newly weds, you can imagine we had other ways to fill our time.  With busy careers, part-time study and a full social calendar we didn’t even miss the television. We consciously chose activities that were more engaging.

Today, many years later and way too many TV hours later, I reminisce about those early days.  To be more productive requires the use of the off switch, not just for TV but for every other device and distraction we have allowed to enter our lives.

To maintain healthy relationships and manage your energy you will need to use your off switch. Here are a few ways you can do that:

Silent meals – no I don’t mean not talking, I mean turn all phone to silent (or preferably off) during meal times. I admit, I have been known to check text messages or answer a call during dinner however I realize this is so unnecessary and also disrespectful to the gorgeous person you are dining with.

Don’t bail because of work – have you ever been stood up by a friend because of work commitments? I don’t’ know about you, I don’t like this feeling but I have also been guilty of this. Where possible try not to bail on your friends because of your work. You need to balance your work energy with your friend energy to top up reserves and be your most productive self.

The famous philosopher Dolly Parton once said ‘figure out who you are and then do it on purpose’ – good advice. We need to be more purposeful in our conversations so we can maintain high energy and strong relationships and stop doing things that aren’t productive.

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