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Personal Productivity

Get Productive: Persist through discomfort

By July 21, 2014No Comments

While running with coach Dave recently, our conversation revolved around how as a new runner, I needed to learn the difference between pain and discomfort.  Have you ever hurt yourself or had a niggling feeling that something wasn’t right?  We need to listen to those signals and determine if we are in pain… or just uncomfortable.

I laughed reading my friend Noah’s blog – ‘You might be a runner if… (read here and see how many you relate to), because I realized many of these things were uncomfortable (and unglamorous)… but not painful.

Coach Dave and I agreed, ‘it’s about persisting through discomfort.’ Some of our biggest breakthroughs are achieved personally and professionally when we are willing to turn discomfort into results.

Know why – ask yourself ‘why you are doing it?’ Why are you working longer hours, spending more time on planes or running that extra mile? If you can articulate the bigger ‘why’ you are more likely to persist, stay focused on the reasons and determine to achieve your goal.

Know timeframe – you are better than you think; you are more capable than you believe. Set a set timeframe to achieve your goal and you may be surprised how much you will endure. Can you run an extra mile (or an extra 10 minutes)?  Can you read a little longer to get educated (even though you are tired)? Can you make two more phone calls (even though it feels as if everyone is saying no to you today)?  Set yourself a timeframe of how long you are willing to be uncomfortable and as my friend says ‘just keep going – just don’t quit’.

Know rewards  – are you motivated by taking a break, calling a friend, getting new shoes (yes that works for me). Determine the reward for your discomfort. Articulate that you will feel fitter, improve relationships, grow your business, make more sales, or run faster? Keep your reward in mind when feeling uncomfortable.

What can you do to persist through discomfort?  We’d love to hear your thoughts, share your ideas with us here on our blog.

PS. If you want more ideas on how to increase your productivity – check out other blogs here and several eBooks you can share with your team.

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