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Get Productive: 10 Things You Can Do to Have a Better Day

By August 24, 20123 Comments

Little Gem Mini Book from DJ Mike Walter - a great read

Yesterday I received a lovely surprise from my friend and crazy talented DJ and entertainer, Mike Walter. He sent me a copy of his mini book Ten Things You Can Do to Have a Better Day. 

I was heading out to the spa for a much needed mani/pedi (too much information I know!) and thought I could enjoy it while I was there… and I did!

This tiny little book is full of gems of how to make even just one change each day. He lies in the title… there are many more than 10 ideas – bonus!

Mike and I both have an obsession with productivity so many of his practical and relevant ideas will most definitely make each day better. Some of my favorites include:

  1. Get Up Earlier – love this, we get so much more done when we wake up productive!
  2. Organize Your Day
  3. Eliminate Distractions – truly the key to increased engagement and accountability.
  4. Avoid Screen Eating (this one was probably one of the best ones as so many of my clients… and me occasionally… do this!)
  5. Have your next vacation planned – anyone who knows me is aware I am ALWAYS planning my next holiday (or vacation as you say in the USA)
  6. Have sex – I guess I don’t need to comment on that one 🙂
You can follow Mike on Twitter and his tweets will make you smile!
Mike is a man who truly celebrates life and he has chosen a profession that helps others create memories that will last a life time. If you would like to get your hands on this little gem, click here to order it.


  • Mike Walter says:

    Neen – what can I say? I’m flattered and honored that you reviewed my book and gave it such high praise. I really just sent it to you because I quoted you and wanted to you to see what an impact you’ve had on my life. The fact that you read it at the spa!?!?!? How perfect is that? I should have added that to the Introduction: Recommended reading places: The Spa, The Beach, On a Plane to Your Next Vacation.

    Thanks so much Neen! You’re the best.

    • NeenJames says:

      I did really enjoy it and maybe for your next print run you can include a ‘recommended reading spot’ instead of just additional recommended reading – ha ha

  • Thanks for sharing Neen!
    Get up earlier, avoid distractions, very simple concepts, but easy to forget.
    Screen eating? Will have to read the book to find out what that is~
    thanks Mike!

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