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Important COVID-19 Update How we can help you

We are a distracted society. People are distracted staring at their phones – walking down the street, through airports, at restaurants and coffee shops, networking events and family gatherings. We have become so distracted, we are losing the ability to connect with each other and our surroundings.


We have become so distracted, we are losing the ability to connect with each other and our surroundings. Share on X


Many of us are guilty of going through the motions of day-to-day life while failing to invest any real concentrated effort into any of it. We drive from place to place, often not remembering how we got there because we are tuned out, lost in our heads, distracted with technology and suffering from mental fatigue. We finish the workday exhausted while feeling we’ve accomplish nothing of any real value. We participate in conversations and fail to remember more than a quarter of it. Our distraction is eroding our relationships, time management abilities, success and productivity.


Our society is overlooking what important and failing to honor what matters most. We sacrifice time with our families and friends to answer emails and messages. We give up necessary sleep to check alerts and texts. We lose lives because drivers focus their attention on a screen and are distracted on the road.


When do we say enough?


When do we acknowledge we are distracted and aren’t paying attention?


Do we recognize and acknowledge technology is a tool, not as a life source?


At what point do we commit to changing our habits and realize distraction decays and attention pays?


I believe when we commit to focusing our attention on what matters most, everything in our lives flourish. Relationships are fed, tasks are completed, profits are boosted, productivity increases and accountability is restored.  Organizational leaders must commit to avoiding interruptions in order to engage in a conversation and truly connect with their employees. As a result, morale increases, productivity skyrockets and profits soar. When coworkers remove daily distractions, they have time to focus on important tasks and achieve deadlines. When families commit to each other, their relationships grow and their need for superficial technological fulfillment decreases. When we as individuals realize we cannot operate in a 24×7 world and that we require rest and recovery to be our best selves, our productivity improves.


Are you ready to make a change? Are you ready to admit you’re distracted? Are you ready to recognize it’s time to pay attention to what matters most? Join me as I embark on an #AttentionRevolution where we change our habits and behaviors so our distractions no longer decay and our attention pays.


Learn more here as I dare to challenge you to pay attention to what matters most:

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