Be the Chief EXECUTION Officer (CEO) for your business, practice, firm or organization!
If you want to be more strategic and contribute to your personal and professional success you need to have the mindset of execution.
Productivity is about implementation and execution.
The word execute means to ‘carry out or to perform’ and it derives from Latin exsequi, “carry out, follow up; punish.” As leaders within our companies we don’t want to punish however we need to have the reputation as someone who performs.
Here are 5 strategies to accelerate your productivity and build your reputation as a leader who executes:
15-minute rule – what can you do in 15 minutes that will get you closer to the achievement of your goals? Consider focusing on actions for 15 minutes i.e. answer email, host a 1:1 with one of your leaders, host a standing meeting (yes make everyone stand up), limit calls to just 15 minutes. No one has an hour anymore; the key is to take action in 15-minute increments.
Cancel meetings – yes you read this right! If you are having meetings because you have the same meeting week after week – stop! Unless you have a strong agenda and a reason to invest everyone’s time, cancel your meeting. If you can’t cancel, reduce the meeting time by half?
Pay attention – you frustrate your team when you are constantly distracted by your email and don’t show others respect. Distraction is disrespectful. The biggest investment you can make in someone is your undivided (NOT multi-tasked) attention. Look people in the eyes, put down your iPhone/Blackberry (whatever your drug of choice) and require your team to do the same.
Choose three strategies – focus your attention on your top three deliverables. Make sure your strategies are repeatable (others can share them throughout the organization), relatable (others understand how it affects them) and recognizable (others can see the impact of those strategies). As a leader your role is to focus on strategies you can execute!
Disconnect – take breaks from technology, remove yourself from your email and the minutia that is draining your focus and energy. As the leader invest in the contextual deliverables, the big picture, the strategy – that’s it! Leave the details to those around you to execute.
Want to increase the productivity of your team? Lead by example, stop interfering and allow others to step into their brilliance by empowering them to execute the details of the strategies you create. Now that’s productive!
What are your ideas on how you can be a better CEO (Chief Execution Officer)? Share your ideas with us here on our blog.
PS. If you want more ideas on how to increase your productivity – check out other blogs here and several eBooks you can share with your team.