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Notes from Neen: Do you know how to get people’s attention in a conversation?

By October 8, 2024No Comments

Can you believe it’s October already? It feels like the past couple of months have flown by — maybe, like me, you’ve been busy serving your clients and traveling all over the place. Or maybe you’re already deep into the push to finish 2024 strong in your organization.

No matter what is keeping you going, we can all agree that it’s a busy time of year. In my last newsletter I shared some tips and tricks I use to keep focused on the finish line. But while you’re in that last push, it’s also helpful to keep at least one eye focused on what 2025 has in store — and for all of us, that includes being able to articulate what makes you and your organization different from the pack.

That’s sometimes easier said than done! With so much competition for people’s attention it is increasingly hard for leaders and teams to break through the noise.

It’s easy to default to focusing on convincing your potential clients to buy your product or offer, but in doing so, many teams lose sight of the actual conversation itself. The truth is that the buy-in you are looking for only happens where your value and their values interact.

And if you’re talking about yourself when you’re up for that promotion or new job, well, it can be even harder to articulate just what makes you the right person for that role. Sometimes, “So, what do you do?” or “So, why should we hire you?” are the most difficult questions to answer.

Early on in my work with senior executives I realized that a repeatable and adaptable conversation framework was needed to encompass a way to answer all of these sometimes tricky and complicated conversations that come up for not only the leaders in the team, but for their teams as well — I call it the Platinum Positioning Matrix. I’ve used this framework with senior executives to get salary increases, transition to new companies, recruit talent, and win new business. It’s invaluable in sales conversations, at networking events, and even crafting social media profiles and sales pages. When I teach it to their teams in workshops, each team member leaves with an understanding of how to build their own customized Platinum Positioning Matrix for their own sales and marketing conversations within the organization — and for their own professional development.

If part of your plans for this last quarter also include some plans to rethink how you talk about your organization or yourself, maybe it can help you too? Click here to get the Platinum Positioning kit delivered to your mailbox with the matrix, a video to help you as you go, and some more resources to help. And if you want me to review it with you, there’s an option for that too!

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