Day Thirty 5th May 2011
You might recall over 30 days ago I shared I would take my own advice and apply some activities every day to increase my productivity and impactivityTM.
It is hard to believe that already 30 days have passed and I delighted to say I met some of the goals but not all of them.
My objective: Invest 30 days in each area of my life to accelerate my own impactivityTM in the world.
Here are the things I focused on for 30 days:
·exercise for a total of 30 minutes – >most days I managed at least 15 sometimes more, some weekend days I didn’t do much except enjoy a walk around the block. I learned the best intentions are sometimes outweighed by exhaustion. This is an area that I will continue to work on forever – what are your tips for incorporating exercise every day?
·Consume 8 glasses of water a day – this one was quite easy and easily met – how do you monitor your water consumption each day?
·Drink green tea daily – nope – I love the tradition of making tea and sipping it slowly and really enjoyed it when I made the time to do it. What is a daily tradition you could incorporate that is both relaxing and healthy for you?
·Sleep for 8 hours – most days I was able to achieve this however sometimes travelling interrupts this pattern. For the most part I know that I function at a much higher productivity level when I get good sleep – how much sleep do you need to allow yourself each night?
·eat a gluten-free south beach-type diet – so the gluten free part is easy for me as my body doesn’t enjoy any aspect of wheat or yeast however I didn’t do the south beach side of it. I think it is an awesome plan but missed fruit too much – I am sure I must have a sugar addiction – do you have any addictions that you could work on to increase your productivity?
·Invest 30 minutes daily generating dollar activities – also didn’t achieve this everyday but a great think about this challenge is it heightened my awareness around this crucial part of my business and this is one I will continue to work on also – do you focus on increasing revenue daily?
·Invest 30 minutes daily quiet time (prayer, meditation) – this one I was fully committed and found it was something I really treasured and also got some great clarity and answers to things during this time. Do you focus on your spiritual well being? If so, what do you do?
·30 minutes in real conversation, undistracted, fully attentive – ah you might recall in a previous blog I mentioned this one was harder than it sounded! I love to talk … my husband would agree with that, however having real, undistracted conversations was more challenging and I will continue to focus on this because the rewards are so great! How can you listen with your eyes more?
·One phone call or email of appreciation – done! I love to do this, I also included writing LinkedIn recommendations for people, sending gifts and cards and it was so much fun!
·One thank you note each day – done! It was easier because I carry stamped stationery with me everywhere – who can you thank today?
·4 date nights in 30 days – these dates included Harley rides in Bucks County, brunch with friends and dinner with friends. I am completing this 30 days challenge with a week at a beach house in North Carolina, I leave tomorrow! Can’t wait – plenty of time for real conversations, appreciation and dates!
·Read 2 books – nope I didn’t get this achieved however I am loving reading Thought Leaders so I was totally transfixed on working my way through this brilliant book! I highly recommend it!
So I didn’t keep all my commitments, I didn’t achieve all my challenges but overall I raised my awareness of how I could have more impact in the world. Impactivity to me means movement by force (sometimes we have to force ourselves to do things we don’t want to do) – this challenge helped me to keep important activities in the front of my mind and stop being busy… and start achieving – now off to relax!