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Be Productive: A Clearer Space for a Clearer Mind – Guest Blog

By October 25, 2013No Comments

A clear deskThanks Martha for sharing this blog with us:

Your workspace is a place where you engage your body, mind and talents. Keeping this space neat and livable will enhance your concentration and energize you as you move from one task to another. The good news is that even the humblest space has the potential to attract your best efforts. Follow these steps to clear your mind, organize your space and improve your workflow.

Take a Deep Breath

Before you enter into your office area, spend a few minutes mentally preparing for your day’s work. Sit in a comfortable chair, feet flat on the ground, back and shoulders comfortably straight. Close your eyes. As you slowly inhale through your nose, silently repeat, “Breathing in, I calm my body.” Exhale through your mouth as you say, “Breathing out, I smile.” (Be sure to smile). On the next inhalation, say, “I am grounded in this present moment.” And exhale with, “I know this is a wonderful moment.” This breathing exercise, recommended by Zen master, Thich Nhat Hanh, helps to quiet the mind and prepares an open space to meet the day’s demands.

Make Yourself Comfortable

Once you clear your mind, begin with comfort basics to avoid physical discomfort that can drain you and cause you to interrupt workflow. Create an area dedicated to your work. Select a chair that provides support for your back. Your desk should allow you to rest your wrists comfortably at the key board or as you write by hand.


Organizing your workspace includes organizing your work activities. Prioritize your work chronologically with the most pressing tasks or those with deadlines at the top of your list of things to do. Devote time when work arrives on your desk to assess how much time each tasks requires. There is plenty of cell phone applications that can help you organize your tasks and make the best use of your time.

If you work at home, remove items from your workspace that will only be in the way. This includes books, papers, pets and other miscellaneous items. Visual distractions like clothing and footwear should also be removed from the workspace, as your environment will influence your mindset. Utilize coat racks, umbrella holders and shoe organizers like the ones found here.

Treat Your Computer like a Room in the House

Organize your computer desktop. Just as you would do with a metal file cabinet, make your desktop an area that will meet your needs with efficiency. Name folders and arrange them alphabetically or according to deadlines. Synchronize email, calendars and all files across all the electronic devices you use in your work.

Your digital workspace commands the same attention as hard copies of papers and the desk where you sit. Nothing can slow down workflow like a slow-moving computer. Schedule routine virus scans and software updates to maximize your system’s performance. Backup files daily using cloud programs.

At the end of each workday, file items on your computer and on your desk that no longer need your attention. Make a stack of papers that need your attention the following day and place the stack beside your keyboard to draw your attention when you return to work. Put away office utensils, like pens and highlighters.

When your work space is organized, you can focus clearer at the task at hand. Don’t let clutter break your concentration. When you feel your stress level building and you area slowly more messy, relax and step back and clear your space for a clearer mind.

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