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Delete Email for Productive Communication – Use Brilliant Tech Tools Instead

By June 5, 2017No Comments

delete emailDid you know U.S. companies lose $588 billion each year due to distracted multitasking? What if your company could delete email and other archaic applications? Imagine the time you could save in productive work hours.

Companies struggle to maximize productivity while meeting the demands of the workforce. They want to utilize talented employees across the globe and provide flexible work environments, yet fear the impact of time wasted in daily communication. Since the success of organizations require us to do more with less while maximizing the use of time, it’s essential to look at the way in which business is conducted daily.

Technology has provided companies with huge advantages, changing the pace at which we work. It allows us to accomplish tasks more quickly, more easily and quite often with less expense. Email has turned into a thing of the past, an archaic tool that demands too much of our time and attention.

New technological advances, such as RingCentral Glip, lump our multiple outdated 90’s era tools into one ultra-slick, super productivity tool. No more do we have to utilize spreadsheets for task tracking, notes to capture conversations, intranet databases for file sharing and endless numbers of emails requiring our time and attention.

Here are some ways your organization can benefit from using Glip:

No More Email – Tools like Glip create huge advantages for companies. This real-time platform allows employees to quickly chat, discuss ideas and maintain records of conversations without dozens of emails to peruse. Employees aren’t forced to draft a message with subject, header and signature. Readers aren’t required to open emails, respond, determine who needs to be copied and wait indefinitely before receiving a response. When you use Glip, the chat is real time and can be text or video. Video calling is a paid feature within the Glip platform that’s available now that Glip is part of RingCentral. So delete email, and get with the modern program of real-time messaging.

Outdated Third Party Video Conferencing Platforms – We’ve all become accustomed to setting up meetings and utilizing third party platforms to enable video conferencing. With the new RingCentral Glip UI, users can quickly access each other in face-to-face conversations, allowing them to see facial expressions and body language. Users do not have to download and execute separate files and extensions to conduct a video conference.

Spreadsheet Project Tracking Pain – Remember the days when companies ran on Microsoft Excel? Now with tools like Glip, employees can share documents, assign tasks, project manage work with deadlines and timeframes. We don’t have to email spreadsheets back and forth or fear multiple versions are being used. The work and tasks are visual and available for everyone to see any time.

Endless Shared Databases – Now where was that file again? Imagine the number of hours wasted by employees searching through shared databases trying to find a file someone uploaded and saved for them to view. With Glip, files are easily accessible in the shelf feature that keeps relevant documents handy. It even allows the ability to prioritize frequently used documents and those of most importance.

Imagine the amount of time your company could save in productive work hours by ridding yourself of email, spreadsheets, third party video conferencing, and shared databases. Imagine if your employees were able to use one tool that did it all. Imagine the ability for employees to be available, no matter where they resided. Just consider the possibilities you’d have to make your workforce more flexible.

Advances in technology have ushered in this new era of business. So what are you waiting for?

To discover more ways your business can save time, create flexibility and maximize productivity, visit and learn how to profit by paying attention to what matters most.

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