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10 Ways to Engage any Audience… and be more productive

By March 31, 2014No Comments

Be AHMazingEach day we have a choice of being boring or engaging. We attend meetings, create presentations and host conversations. Today make a choice to be AH-Mazing.

Choose to be more engaging today, and you will.  Voila – it’s that simple. Here are ten strategies to be more engaging in meetings, training sessions or presentations:

Be Authentic – the world wants you to be real, be human and be more of yourself. Stop trying to ‘fake it until you make it’ – show up as yourself and stop trying to be like everyone else.  As a famous philosopher Dr. Seuss says ‘why fit in when you were born to stand out.’

Be Interesting – share stories from your observations, life and world events. Provide examples that are current and relevant to your audience’s everyday life.

Be Enthusiastic – the energy you bring to every meeting and presentation is contagious. Your audience will rise up to meet you. Use people’s names, look them in the eye and share your passion of the topic or project with those in the room.

Be Contextual – your audience wants to know why it matters. Share the strategic perspective first. Use metaphors and analogies when you present; they get audience attention and are memorable and repeatable. Simplify the complex with metaphors.

If you want to grow your repertoire of metaphors my fave book on this topic is called ‘I never metaphor I didn’t like’.

Be Fun – don’t tell jokes to start a speech or a meeting (your audience may not know you yet). Allow people to have fun with you; self-deprecating humor is the safest and best humor to use in any situation.

Be Memorable – pay attention to your outfit, your word choices, the stories and examples you use. Speak in triads – people remember things in threes i.e. nature, religion, phrases, advertising slogans – often we see things in threes i.e. faith, hope and love.

Be Involved – use eye contact, encourage audiences and conference attendees to take notes, encourage your audience to be part of the learning process and conversations.

Be Brief – don’t use 20 words if 10 will work, minimize your hideously ugly over-cluttered slide deck, make your point then move on people – it’s that simple.

Be Generous – provide handouts in advance, allow audiences to connect with you before your presentation, participate in conversations in advance on social media forums i.e. Facebook, Tweet Chats, Google+ hangouts and webinars.

Be Inquisitiveask questions of your audience and encourage them to ask questions. Make every presentation a conversation, instead of a presentation. People want to contribute and share their brilliance too.

Which of these techniques can you apply today? We’d love to hear your thoughts what did you think, share your ideas with us here on our blog.

PS. If you want more ideas on how to increase your productivity – check out other blogs here and several eBooks you can share with your team.

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