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How many Sundays do you have?

By January 6, 2015No Comments

700 SundaysI laughed so hard I nearly fell off my couch.

And then I cried.
And then I laughed again. The stories, the facial expressions, the voices of Billy Crystal in his stage show (I watched on DVD) called 700 Sundays. If you want to watch an uplifting and entertaining movie, buy this one. He tells stories of growing up with his family and some feature his Dad and the Sundays they had together. It got me thinking… how many Sundays do I have and am I making the most of them?

When I share our keynote Be Ah-Mazing: Creating moments that matter, the premise is that it’s the little things we do that make the biggest difference. What could you do that would make a difference this year?

At this time of year, many have New Year’s resolutions (some already broken); many have goals. I like to have a contextual word, I’ve been doing this for many, many years now. One word that is big enough to encompass personal and professional goals. You could call it your theme for the year. Want to try it?

Here are a few guidelines to create your contextual word or theme for this year and create more significance.

Choose your word – a big word, a word that excites you, a word you would be willing to share with others.

Test your word – does it apply to other areas of your life. Last year my word was fitness (and that applied to spiritual, relational, physical, financial and educational fitness – these are the five areas I set my goals).

Share your word – ask someone to help you achieve your goals this year, get a mentor, find an accountability partner. Explain your word, what it means to you and how you are going to achieve it.
If we get nearly 5,000 Sundays in our lifetime and I have already invested over 2200 of those… What are you doing to do with the remaining Sundays? You get to choose.

You get 1,440 minutes in a day, how will you invest those small moments to create more significance.

During the holidays, I read Jon Petz’s latest book Significance in Simple Moments – you can watch our YouTube review here – I loved it – a great gift for friends, family and team members.


Excited to share more ideas with you in 2015 on how to save time, invest more time and create more time.

How’d we do? We’d love to hear your thoughts, what did you think, share your ideas with us here on our blog.

If you want more ideas on how to increase your productivity this year– check out other blogs here and several eBooks you can share with your team.

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